Freedom to Slavery

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02.03.2011 | Your Cart

From Freedom to Slavery

Re-igniting America’s Passion for Liberty

Living in a country founded on the belief that our Creator bestowed upon us, “certain unalienable rights,” many Americans take for granted what are considered God-given rights—becoming vulnerable to the seduction of a subtle form of slavery.

In this powerful and engaging presentation, K. Carl leads participants toward understanding the importance of Liberty and the Constitution and why they’re worth defending—RE-IGNITING AMERICA’S PASSION FOR LIBERTY™.

Points covered:

  • The importance of citizen-activism
  • How to convey Douglass’ LIFE-EMPOWERING values to minority voters without being labeled as a “Racist” or an “Uncle Tom”
  • How to engage the “I’m a Frederick Douglass Republican” methodology
  • Why the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are so important

NOTE: K. Carl’s thought-provoking presentations range from a 20-50 minute, high-impact keynote to a 2-hour interactive workshop that includes Strategic & Action Planning. Both formats include no-holds-barred dialogue intended to help participants stretch beyond their assumed limitations.

KCarl’s Interview on Huckabee Show
ON November 17th, 2010

2nd Interview w/ WorldNET Daily
ON November 11th, 2010

KCarl’s Interview with CNS News
ON November 2nd, 2010

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“Thank you Josh for your comments. I agree with you 100%. The Republican Party today does not…” admin